Be Part Of Our Legacy Story
We believe God is able to do immeasurably more than anything we can ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us. As we look to our next season as a church, imagine what God can do with our resources when we are fully committed to the work of building his kingdom.
Our annual Legacy Offering builds a legacy for future generations. It requires sacrifice and enables us to take a giant leap forward in fulfilling the opportunities God has placed before us to leave something eternally significant for our children and grandchildren. Right now we are committed to building a home for our CauseWay family. This year’s Legacy Offering will go towards construction costs of this new building. Would you consider being a part of the CauseWay Legacy story through your generosity?
To be part of this year’s Legacy Offering (October 24–September 25) we ask you to make a faith pledge – a commitment of finances that you will give over these 12 months (over and above your tithes and offerings). Whether that is $5/week or $100/week – the amount is not what matters. It’s about the opportunity to give what God puts on our hearts in order to accelerate the vision of CauseWay and reach more people with the Good News of Jesus.
LEGACY PRAYER – Join us in praying through our Legacy season. See the Prayer Focus below.

Make a Difference
Every pledge makes a difference. And gives us an opportunity to join our faith & our finances to building a Kingdom Legacy for our children and our children’s children.
How to Make Your Pledge
- Pray and ask God what He would have you commit to Legacy.
- Write down and submit your faith pledge using the online or paper form.
- Continue to pray for Legacy and plan your budget to make this a reality.
- Set up your direct credit to the CauseWay Church bank account with your weekly, monthly or annual commitment.
Bank account: 12-3094-0198460-00 Reference: ‘LEGACY’
Or you can give on Sundays by EFTPOS at the Info Table, or by cash at the Giving Station in an envelope labelled ‘Legacy’.
Legacy Prayer
Use the prayer focuses below to pray each day through Legacy.
FOCUS 1: Thank God for His provision and blessing on the project so far. Pray for supernatural financial provision to complete the building project and be debt free. Pray for financial blessing for everyone faithfully supporting the project.
FOCUS 2: Thank God for His leading and direction on this project, and for His provision of the key people who have been involved. Pray for continued wisdom & direction for our church leaders, and for those leading the building project.
FOCUS 3: Thank God for all all the contractors who have worked on this project. Pray for God’s wisdom, favour and protection for all contractors involved. Pray for a safe and problem-free completion of the project.
FOCUS 4: Thank God for favour with our community and local authorities. Pray for continued favour with local and regional councils and authorities. Pray for continued favour from those living in our local communities.
FOCUS 5: Thank God for all He has done and all He is going to do. Pray that God’s House will be full to overflowing on the first day we meet there! Pray that many, many people encounter God and discover a relationship with Jesus in this new building. Pray for the future generations -that they will be strong in their faith and devoted wholeheartedly to Jesus.
Frequently Asked Questions
What will the Legacy Offering go towards?
How do I submit my Legacy pledge?
Fill out a pledge form OR use the online pledge form (see link above). When you make your pledge, submit the total amount you are choosing to pledge for the 2023/24 year.
How do I honour my Legacy pledge?
You can give online through direct credit to the CauseWay Church bank account. Or you can give by EFTPOS at the Info Table on Sunday, or give cash at the Giving Station at church in an envelope labelled ‘Legacy’.
CauseWay Bank Account : 12-3094-0198460-00 Reference: ‘LEGACY’
Is my giving tax-deductible?
Yes – you are able to claim your giving as a charitable donation, entitling you to claim a rebate of 33% e.g a $1000 donation earns a $333 tax rebate
When should I honour my Legacy pledge?
You can honour your Legacy pledge for the 2023/24 giving cycle at any time from now onwards. Depending on your choice and circumstances, your contributions towards your pledge can be made at any time throughout the year. You can give a one-off lump sum or give on a weekly or monthly basis. Our final date for completing pledges will be in September, 2025.
If my circumstances change, can I change my pledge?
Yes – you are free to change your pledge at any time; simply submit an updated pledge form (paper or online). If your circumstances change and you are unable to fulfil your pledge, simply contact us.